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Our Services

Provided Assistance

-Supervision of personal care

-Assistance with activities of daily living (ADL’s) such as: 

bathing, grooming, shaving, brushing teeth, combing hair, toileting, dressing, eating.

-24 hour a day lodging 

-Protective care and watchful oversight

-Medication assistance

-Laundry service

-Bedding and supplies

-Personal hygiene products provided: Towels, toilet tissue, and soap

-Engaging activities and trips

-House keeping:

Weekly house cleaning in resident's rooms

Daily cleaning and sanitizing in all bathrooms as well as after each shower.

-Referral for appropriate services when needed (Homehealth, etc)



In Good Hands

Balanced Meals

-Supervision of nutrition
-3 balanced meals per day to accommodate their diet
-2 or more nutritious snacks per day
-Residents can join the Baking/Cooking Club in creating new and tasty recipes to engage their mind and body.


Transportation & Appointment Needs

-Assist with emergency transportation

-Assist with nonemergency transportation

-Assist with shopping

-Assist with managing money

-Assist with writing letters

-Assist with making personal or private phone calls

-Assist with making appointments or appointment reminders 



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